Debatable Data

IT BP Forum June

Debatable Data

We live in a world in which our advice is only as valuable as the data we can provide to support it. We rely on data not just to make decisions for ourselves and our businesses, but also to inform the arguments we deploy to win the support of stakeholders, colleagues, and clients. Data-driven solutions, we are told, speak for themselves and how we communicate them to others is more a question of style than substance. This workshop will show how data can be used to support multiple conclusions unless it is supported by a robust analysis and a powerful narrative. It will also show how gaps left by inconclusive data are often filled by cognitive bias with devastating effects for collective decision-making. Subsequently, you will learn how to think critically about data and use it to test the strength of your own conclusions. You will also learn how to turn data into a powerful argument that can be easily explained to non-expert audiences and defended under scrutiny from skeptical ones.

Tony Koutsoumbos

Tony Koutsoumbos is the founder and Director of the Great Debaters Club, the UK's only debate club and training programme for adults. Aimed primarily at managers and directors, the club helps them to advance their personal and professional development through monthly masterclasses and public debates in which they are given a platform to test their skills on live audiences. Tony also delivers training workshops for businesses, working predominantly with finance teams and corporate strategists, and is also a consultant to the Chevening Scholar debate programme.

Practical Info

21/06/2018 15:10
49 minutes 12 seconds
Sports Club